posted by asep saefumillah at 9:19 PM Suatu Hari di Laboratorium Di suatu siang bulan ramadhan hari ke dua, Phillip seorang saintis dari perancis (postdoctoral fellowyang beruntung memenangkan grant research dari institusi sains bonafide di Erofa: Marie Currie Fellowship) yang selama hampir dua bulan ini bekerja bersama-sama saya di. Seluruh penguji yang banyak memberikan masukan yang baik bagi penulis. TIA AGUSTIANI 1,2*, ASEP SAEFUMILLAH 1, D AN HANIES AMBARSARI 2. asep mencantumkan 1 pekerjaan di profilnya. From this research, all of compounds have potency to trigger the formation of DNA Adduct (8-OHdG) and the ratio of absorbance to assess the purity of DNA at 260 nm and 280 nm (λ260/ λ280) is measured. ui. Sampel TSP dikumpulkan dari lokasi Jaringan Pemantau Kualitas Udara Badan Meteorologi. Jl. Department of Chemistry; Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review. . SK tentang Jenis Jenis Pemeriksaan Laboratorium yang Tersedia SOP Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Brosur Pelayanan Laboratorium Pola Ketenagaan, Persyaratan Kompetensi, Ketentuan Jam Buka pelayanan Persyaratan Kompetensi Analis atau Petugas Laboratorium Persyaratan. Asep Saefumillah bertolak ke Gedung Departemen Kimia FMIPA UI. nat. Asep mencantumkan 2 pekerjaan di profilnya. TerimakasihBella Sukma Mahadika, Asep Saefumillah, Saepurahman Saepurahman, Kiki Adi Kurnia, Diana Vanda Wellia. MSi. , Ph. Dr. ac. ABSTRAK. Si selaku dosen pembimbing II saya atas semua bantuannya. Tanah adalah sumber alami yang penting dan merupakan bagian dari lingkungan. Dr. H Surahman, YK Krisnandi, J Gunlazuardi. Susilowati,Sri Nurwulan; Agustino Zulys, supervisor; Ismunaryo, supervisor; Yuni Krisyuningsih, examiner; Antonius Herry Cahyana, examiner; Asep Saefumillah, examiner. The cellulose superabsorbent of rice straw has been successfully synthesized using acrylic acid, acrylamide monomers as grafting agent and N-N′-methylene-bis-acrylamide as cross link then characterized using FTIR, SEM and DSC. The abundance of phosphate is a concern because it causes problems in aquatic ecosystems. Dengan segera larutan dipipet ke dalam cetakan kaca yang telah dibersihkan dengan HNO3. iso 17025. In: Sainsmat : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. rer. 10. Universitas Indonesia Library, LONTAR - Library Automation and Digital ArchiveJasmina Pertiwi; Asep Saefumillah, supervisor; Naibaho, Mangasa, supervisor; Yuni Krisyuningsih, supervisor; Jarnuzi Gunlazuardi, examiner; Budiawan, examiner (Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015) Abstrak. ui. (8) Pak Moko, Pak Agung, Pak Bambang, dan Pak Muhlisin, yang telah memberikan banyak dukungan, motivasi, dan masukan kepada saya. Kom. a), and A Zulys. id2 asep. 485. Asep Saefumillah Department of Chemistry, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia Indonesia Heny Suseno Marine Radiology Group, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta 12070, Indonesia Indonesia Article Tools. 02/12/2021. Print this article. Suwardi Annas, M. Zahrah, A. 2309149. Kak Zora, Kak Rasyid, Kak Puji, Kak Rispa serta seluruh asisten di Laboratorium Afiliasi yang telah banyak membantu penulis selama [email protected]} University of Indonesia1,2, AKA Bogor Polytechnic3 Abstract. Si selaku koodinator penelitianMuhammad Reza; Yuni Krisyuningsih, co-promotor; Emil Budianto, examiner; Sihombing, Riwandi, examiner; Asep Saefumillah, examiner (Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu. 5. Selaku Koordinator Penelitian Departemen Kimia FMIPA UI, S-1 Ekstensi. @article{Sari2019BioethanolMW, title={Bioethanol Mill Wastewater Purification by Combination of Coagulation-Flocculation and Microbial Treatment of Trametes versicolor INACC F200}, author={Ajeng Arum Sari and Tony Hadibarata and Ummu Hanifah and Ahmad Randy and Feni Amriani and Puspa Dewi Narrij Lotulung and. D. Ketua Departemen Kimia FMIPA UI Asep Saefumillah membuka secara resmi kegiatan sosialisasi tersebut. , 2020, 20 (2), 395 - 403 395 Ardina Purnama Tirta et al. In this study, Fe-based Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) will be developed as a Accumulation of heavy metals in agricultural soils continues to be a worrying problem, such as chromium. Subjects analytical chemistry; environmental chemistry; phosphate; climate change; Metrics Scopus H-index. Dua Dosen Peneliti FMIPA UI Raih Pendanaan Riset UK-Indonesia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Sciences (UKICIS) 26/09/2022. KImia Lingkungan 2019 2 KATA PENGANTAR Penulis selalu mengucapkan. Paul J Worsfold. Asep Saefumillah (1*), Dhania Dwi Aprianti (2), Iman Abdullah (3), Inna Husna (4), (1) Universitas Indonesia (2. 500+ Alumni 135 Tenaga Kependidikan 22 Guru Besar 172 Dosen Aktif Pada awal berdirinya, FMIPA UI dikenal dengan nama Fakultas Ilmu Pasti dan Ilmu Alam (FIPIA)Mu’izzah Irsyadi Putri; Asep Saefumillah, supervisor; Ridla Bakri, supervisor; Jarnuzi Gunlazuardi, examiner; Agustino Zulys, examiner; Sihombing, Riwandi, examiner (Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022) Abstrak. 2, pp. Debri Utami; Helmiyati, supervisor; Yenny Meliana, supervisor; Yoki Yulizar, examiner; Muhammad Ridwan, examiner; Asep Saefumillah, examiner (Fakultas Matematika dan. Kepada Dr. D. . 280-288. Erzi Rizal Anwar selaku pembimbing akademis, Dr. posted on 2021-06-24, 05:10 authored by Asep Saefumillah This thesis was scanned from the print manuscript for digital preservation and is copyright the author. Endang Saefudin selaku Ketua Program Studi S. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2022. Eng. Asep Saefumillah, M. Kiki Adi Kurnia, Ardiani Putri Rahayu, Afifah Faradilla Islami, Yuly Kusumawati, I. pp. Universitas Indonesia S2 - Ilmu Kimia SINTA ID : 6028137. rer. Muharam Syam Nugraha 1*, Asep Saefumillah , dan Ardhasena Sopaheluwakan2 1Program Studi Ilmu Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Indonesia, Jl. Noverra Mardhatillah Nizardo Kimia Studi Pembuatan Hidrogel Smart Berbasis PNIPAM Serta Potensinya Sebagai Penghantar Bahan Aktif Farmasi 18 Dr. Asep Saefumillah (Ketua Departemen Kimia UI), Muhammad Ridwan, M. Kata kunci: bahan pembanding sekunder in situ, anhidrotetrasiklin hidroklorida, transformasi, tetrasiklin hidroklorida, validasi metode, homogenitas ABSTRACT. author = "Sari, {Ajeng Arum} and Tony Hadibarata and Ummu Hanifah and Ahmad Randy and Feni Amriani and Lotulung, {Puspa Dewi N. Kampus UI Depok, Depok 16424, Indonesia *Contact email: aininadhokhotani@ui. 2021; ABSTRACT Biomass as raw material is one solution that can be developed in the management of agricultural, plantation, and industrial waste. rer. Reaksi Transesterifikasi. , Ph. Mahasiswa FMIPA UI bersinar di perhelatan akbar Olimpiade Sains Nasional. 1: University of Indonesia;Tambunan, Monika Lumongga Putri; Iman Abdullah, supervisor; Yuni Krisyuningsih Krisnandi, supervisor; Agustino Zulys, examiner; Asep Saefumillah, examiner; Helmiyati. pada Jumat 27 Oktober 2023. ac. 000. This study examines more thoroughly the effectiveness of photodegradation-adsorption of dyes, kinetic aspects, isotherms, thermodynamics, identification of the structure of photodegradation products, and changes in. KODE. Seluruh Staf Departemen Kimia FMIPA UI (Pak Marji, Pak Hadi, Babe”Trisno”, Mbak Ina, Mbak Cucu, Pak Kiri, Pak Amin, dan juga PakAsep Saefumillah Universitas Indonesia Indonesia Dhania Dwi Aprianti Universitas Indonesia Indonesia Iman Abdullah Universitas Indonesia Indonesia Inna Husna Universitas Indonesia Indonesia ISSN. Reaksi katalisis. Aini Nadhokhotani Herpi 1,*, Rika Tri Yunarti 1, Asep Saefumillah 1. Darwati Dosen FMIPA Kimia Unpad 7. DAFTAR LAMPIRAN SOP DAN SK. Bapak dan Ibu dosen Departemen Kimia FMIPA Universitas Indonesia 9. Abstract. ui. Department of Chemistry; Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review. 2 Ilmu Kimia yang telah membantu dan memberikan kesempatan pada saya untuk melakukan penelitian. D selaku pembimbing akademis yang telah sabar membimbing penulis selama menuntut ilmu di Departemen Kimia FMIPA Universitas Indonesia, (5) Ibu Dra. 2. Vol 4, No 2 (2016) Table of Contents Articles ANALISIS LOGAM Cd (II) DENGAN METODE VOLTAMETRI PELUCUTAN ANODIK13 B Dr. Handajaya Rusli Dosen FMIPA Kimia ITB 8. Shafira Muzdalifah, Asep Saefumillah, Meri Suhartini Universitas Indonesia Abstract Currently the most water pollution problems are caused by the heavy metals. ; Jarnuzi Gunlazuardi, supervisor; Endang Asijati Widijaningsih Ichsan, examiner; Asep Saefumillah, examiner; Endang Saefudin, examiner; Agustino Zulys. This study examines more thoroughly the effectiveness of photodegradation-adsorption of dyes, kinetic aspects, isotherms, thermodynamics, identification of the structure of photodegradation products, and changes in. Profiles (29) Projects (200) Research output (1360)Adisam Z. Zeolit alam Indonesia yang dimodifikasi oleh kitosan, nanopartikel Au dan ligan asam 3-merkaptopropanoat (AMP) telah berhasil. Suwardi Annas, M. 000 Approved. In addition, the researchers are grateful to the National Quality Control Laboratory of Drug and Food (NQCLDF), Indonesia FDA, for providing laboratory access to complete. . Biomass as raw material is one solution that can be developed in the management of agricultural, plantation, and industrial waste. 3 Iman Abdullah Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Material Jejaring. D atas segala masukan, kesabaran dan kebaikan selama membimbing penulis meskipun penulis telah banyak melakukan kesalahan. Dr. Home > Vol 2, No 2 (2013) > Saefumillah. Endra Muryanto, Apt, MM. This research method includes three stages were adsorbent preparation, adsorption, and UV-Vis spectrometer analysis. Asep Saefumillah-Analisis Terapan. , M. Therefore, developing an in-situ technique to measure the release of. Biosorpsi Timbal oleh Biomassa Daun Ketapang…(Reza Mulyawan, dkk) Asep Saefumillah Askal Maimulyanti Year: 2021 Bioavailability of Chromium in Spiked Soil by Sequential Extraction and Its Absorption in Amaranthus hybridus AECON EAI DOI: 10. Wijaya Hadi selaku pembimbing lapangan, Drs. Budiawan, Dr. karimah@sci. A low-cost activated carbon derived from lignin-based black liquor was prepared and has been applied as an adsorbent for tripolyphosphate ion. nat. D. Si. Agustiani, Asep Saefumillah, Hanies Ambarsari Published in Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan 31 July 2021 ABSTRACT Biomass as raw material is one solution that can be developed in the management of agricultural, plantation, and industrial waste. Although phosphate concentration in a water body is reduced, eutrophication can still occur due to the accumulation of large quantities of land-sourced Asep Saefumillah Ph. Asep Saefumillah, S. ui. Ummu Hanifah; Asep Saefumillah, supervisor; Ajeng Arum Sari, supervisor; Ridla Bakri, examiner; Budiawan, examiner; Rahmat Wibowo, examiner; Soleh Kosela, examiner (Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017) Abstrak. ekaputri@gmail. This study aims to determine the effect of contact time and mass of Nata de coco adsorbents on the adsorption of methyl orange. If you would like more information about how to print, save, and work with PDFs, Highwire Press provides a helpful Frequently Asked Questions about PDFs. Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) merupakan teknik analisis unsur kimia yang menggunakan prinsip penyerapan energi (radiasi pada panjang gelombang tertentu). saefumillah@sci. Fajar Kurniyati (1), Asep Saefumillah (2*), (1) Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Universitas Indonesia (2) Universitas IndonesiaAsep Saefumillah, examiner. 7. Sultan Bajri,M. selaku dosen pembimbing I saya dalam tugas ini. Rozana; Nanopolymer-based delivery system is widely developed to enhance the solubility and bioavailability of drugs. A protocol to assess the potential release of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) by enzymatic hydrolysis of dissolved organic phosphorus. (Manajer Pendidikan), Dr. Asep Saefumillah, Ratsania Rahmaniarti H Departemen Kimia, FMIPA, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia. Si. Evi Ratna Dewi; Budiawan, supervisor; Munawar Khalil, examiner; Asep Saefumillah, examiner; Antonius Herry Cahyana, examiner; Soleh Kosela, examiner ([Publisher not identified] , 2017) Abstrak. Asep Saefumillah, Amalia Ekaputri Hidayat. Dewangga Oky Bagus Apriandanu. Activated carbon in this research was synthesized from black liquor sludge by coagulation process using polyaluminum chloride (PAC) and treated by steam activation at 725 °C. Kepada Dra. Subjek : Fossil fuels--Environmental aspects. Salah satu parameter yang dapat menentukan kualitas udara adalah Total Suspended Particulate (TSP). Sriparya; Sihombing, Riwandi, supervisor; Yuni Krisyuningsih, supervisor; Jarnuzi Gunlazuardi, examiner; Asep Saefumillah, examiner; Widyanti Wibowo, examiner. Ridla Bakri selaku ketua Departemen Kimia UI, Ir. A protocol to assess the potential release of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) by enzymatic hydrolysis of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) in waters. Bioavailability of the heavy metal speciation in spiked soil can be carried out by sequential extraction method by Tessier with different reagents to obtain. Tabel 1. Imam Hidayat Nurwahid; Rika Tri Yunarti, supervisor; Munawar Khalil, supervisor; Yoki Yulizar, examiner; Asep Saefumillah, examiner; Sihombing, Riwandi, examiner. (1) Dr. Wahyuni; Asep Saefumillah, supervisor; Jarnuzi Gunlazuardi, examiner; Rahmat Wibowo, examiner; Iman Abdullah, examiner; Antonius Herry Cahyana, examiner ([Publisher not identified] , 2018) Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan memurnikan bromelain yang diekstrak dari bagian tanaman nanas (Ananas comosus) melalui metode fraksinasi menggunakan garam ammonium sulfat, diikuti dengan proses dialisis dan dilanjutkan dengan tahap pemurnian menggunakan metode kromatografi kolom gel filtrasi. 485. Ketua Departemen 3922 Mahasiswa Aktif 2021-2022 23. Pelantikan dan Serah Terima Jabatan Ketua Program Studi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia Periode Tahun 2014-2018 berlangsung dengan khidmat pada Selasa (29/04/14) bertempat di Ruang Serbaguna Gedung C BSM FMIPA UI. CoSCI 2016 : Collaboration Seminar of Chemical Industry, Surabaya, Indonesia. 2018. Harmanta; Endang Saefudin, supervisor; Sumi Hudiyono PWS, examiner; Budiawan, examiner; Asep Saefumillah, examiner; Antonius Herry Cahyana, examiner (Fakultas. The longer-lived naturally occurring isotopes of thorium are alpha emitters, so the technique of alpha spectrometry can be used to quantify them directly. Overview; Fingerprint; Abstract. WORSFOLD‡ phosphatase, in addition to 31P NMR (8), is a potentially Water Studies Centre, School of Chemistry, Monash important tool for the partial characterization of DOP pools. Erzi Rizal Anwar selaku pembimbing akademis, Dr. Endang Saefudin dan Dr. nat. Terhubung Tampilkan lebih banyak profil Tampilkan. ac. Endang Saepudin selaku ketua program ekstensi dan rekan-rekan penelitian serta semua pihak yang banyak membantu penyusunan skripsi ini. al. } and Hasbi Yasin and Asep Saefumillah and Muhammad Ilyas", note = "Funding Information: This research was supported by INSINAS – Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Indonesia, for the 2018 Fiscal Year. Asep Saefumillah, M. Asep Saefumillah. Widya Rachmasari; Budiawan, supervisor; Riswijanto, examiner; Asep Saefumillah, examiner; Sri Handayani, examiner ([Publisher not identified] , 2014) Abstrak [ABSTRAK. Bapak Asep Saefumillah, Ph. , Ph. selaku Ketua Departemen Kimia dalam sambutannya menyampaikan “Kegiatan ini merupakan salah satu wujud kepedulian Departemen Kimia FMIPA UI dalam rangka peningkatan pemahaman dan penguasaan ilmu kimia guru SMA, sekaligus sebagai salah satu bagian dari Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi. Synthesized Zeolite from Coal Fly Ash: Effect of Furnace and Acidic Pretreatment on the Characteristic Aini Nadhokhotani Herpi1, Rika Tri Yunarti2, Asep Saefumillah3 {[email protected]. Dosen FMIPA UI memperoleh Hibah Hibah BOPTN-PUPT (Lanjutan) No Nama Judul Departemen 1 ASEP SAEFUMILLAH S. ABSTRAK. From this research, all of compounds have potency to trigger the formation of DNA Adduct (8-OHdG) and the ratio of absorbance to assess the purity of DNA at 260 nm and 280 nm (λ260/ λ280) is measured. 485. Si. Terima kasih atas waktu, kesabaran, segala bantuan serta diskusinya. dilaporkan. Ardina Purnama Tirta; Asep Saefumillah, supervisor; Foliatini, supervisor; Ridla Bakri, examiner; Antonius Herry Cahyana, examiner; Soleh Kosela, examiner; Endang Saefudin, examiner (Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016) Abstrak. Si. Ridla Bakri selaku ketua Departemen Kimia UI, Ir. Asep Saefumillah. Hirosuke Tatsumi Dr. ”), Bapak Dr. ac. 📣 It’s official! We have expanded our collaboration with Trend Micro and VicOne. Asep Saefumillah also doing his professional duty as assessor for National Accreditation Committee (KAN) for Laboratory. UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA . Seluruh dosen, karyawan dan karyawati Departemen Kimia,. com Received: October 2017; Revised: November 2017; Accepted: November 2017; Available Online: November2017 Abstrak Tingginya konsentrasi fosfor sebagai fosfat ke dalam sistem akuatik mengakibatkan eutrofikasi yang berujung16 Dr. ac. Rachmat Hidayanto; Yoki Yulizar, supervisor; Rahmat Wibowo, supervisor; Ivandini Tribidasari Anggraningrum, examiner; Yuni Krisyuningsih, examiner; Asep Saefumillah. Selain itu Asep Saefumillah, M. P Monbet, ID McKelvie, A. Dr. toksikologi lingkungan 2019 2 kata pengantarAskal Maimulyanti, Budiawan, Asep Saefumillah, Heny Suseno. 1 Department of Chemistry, Facul ty of Mathemati cs and Natural Sciences,[email protected] SNKIT 2023. re.